Thursday, October 28, 2010

Villains and Monsters

We're coming up on Halloween, and soon our streets will be filled with children dressed as ghosts and goblins.  With that in mind, it's time to turn our minds to the villains and monsters we encounter in fiction and life.  Your task today is to identify one as either "most evil" or "most misunderstood".  You may choose a traditional villain like Dracula, you might choose a supervillain like the Joker, or you might choose someone from real life like Josef Stalin.  Don't like that topic?  As an alternate assignment you may choose two supernatural creatures and tell me who would win a battle between them.

Whatever you choose to write on, you must explain your answer and justify it with evidence.  And remember, as always, keep your blog appropriate.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Top 3

Alright.  This assignment comes compliments of the irrepressible Ms. Searcy.  Today's blog challenge is to choose the top 3 (of anything) and justify your choice. You may choose the top three hockey players of all time, the greatest musicians, the top three reasons to do something...the possibilities are endless. Here is a suggested sequence of events for the blog:

1. Choose your topic

2. Choose the criteria you are using to make your choices, and explain it to the reader. For example, if you are ranking the top three hockey players, how are you choosing to judge them? Points scored? Plus/minus rating? Years in the league? Stanley Cups won?

3. Type your blog out by first explaining the topic you have chosen, and the criteria for your choices. Then state each of your top three choices, and dedicate approximately a paragraph to each one that justifies why it deserves the ranking you gave it. As always, formal language and proper spelling and grammar applies.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Guilty Pleasures

Alright.  I'll admit it.  I love watching rodeo.

The politically correct among us would say that it is a sexist sport, confining the participation of women to barrel racing.  PETA would say that it is inhumane, brutalizing animals for sport.  And I have to say I see their point.

But there is something about watching a person leap off a galloping horse in an attempt to wrestle a 200 lb animal with horns to the ground that makes me forget these reservations.  How crazy do you have to be to climb on a 2,000 lb bull in a confined space, let alone try to ride one for eight seconds?  What does it feel like to be the rodeo clown when that same bull sends your barrel flying?  These are the questions that enter my head as I watch.  And despite my reservations, I am entertained.

Rodeo provides me with a vicarious thrill.  My adrenaline flows as I watch others participate in an activity I would never think of attempting.  In a world of safety equipment and digital effects and scripted endings, rodeo is tantalizingly dangerous.  Participants pit their strength and skill against large, unpredictable animals.  And that's where my guilt returns -- the animals.  They are the other participants in rodeo, the ones who don't get to choose.

I don't know if I will ever be able to reconcile my feelings about this sport -- if I'll ever come to terms with the conflict I feel.  I have made a decision though.  I will need to attend more rodeos to find out.

Your assignment:  Everyone has guilty pleasures -- things they enjoy doing or watching that they feel a little embarrassed or bashful about.  For some it's a television show like Survivor or Glee.  For others it's a particular song or an activity like karaoke.  Write about your own guilty pleasure explaining the conflict you feel.  Try to convey the feeling you get from the activity in a way that will make others experience it.  One last note:  Keep this one appropriate folks.