Friday, December 17, 2010

Entertain Me!

I know that many of you enjoy searching the internet for interesting sites, videos and games.  Your task today is to find an interesting site that is relevant to poetry or Shakespeare (particularly Macbeth).  Create a post with a link to the site, your explanation of its relevance, and your thoughts on how it might be used by a class or by other students.

Have fun, and, as usual, keep it appropriate!
The Rant Master

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wouldn't You Like to Be a Poet Too?

Today you need to follow up on the task we went over in class last Wednesday.  Choose a poem or song lyric that really speaks to you.  Cut and paste it into a post (giving credit to the original author of course) and answer the following questions about it:

1.  Who is the speaker?  What kind of person is s/he?  To whom is s/he speaking?

2.  What is the setting of the poem in time and place?

3.  What is the central purpose of the poem?  Does it tell a story, reveal human character, give a vivid impression, express a mood or convey an idea?  List a line or two that supports your choice.

4.  State the central idea or theme of the poem in a sentence.

5.  What is the tone of the poem (the speaker's attitude toward the subject of the poem)?  Is he or she sympathetic, excited, angry, pleased, bitter, etc.?  Again, support your position with a line or two.

6.  List two especially effective examples of diction (word choice) in the poem.  Explain why they are so effective.

7.  Choose two examples of effective imagery (language that appeals to the senses) from the poem.

8.  Finally, explain why this poem or lyric speaks to you.  What is it that makes it powerful?  Justify your answer with supporting reasons. 

If you finish early, please visit at least two of your classmates' blogs and leave short comments indicating (a) what you like about one of their posts; and (b) a question that you have for them based on what they have written.  As always -- be appropriate.  This is in the public domain.

See you all tomorrow.
Mr. Robinson